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Navigate private property lines and research public land information for any area in the United States with our new "Public Lands" and "Land Ownership" map overlays

These overlays are incredibly useful for:

  • Avoiding private land when fishing or hunting.
  • Staying within public lands when skiing, hiking, or camping.
  • Investigating who owns a particular home or parcel of land.
  • Researching a new zone in 3D.
Getting Started

  1. Tap the "Maps" tab.
  2. Tap the overlay button.
  3. Tap "Public Lands" or "Land Ownership".
  4. Tap the map to learn more.
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Here's an example of the land ownership map (in 3D) over central Colorado.

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Here's an example of the public lands map (in 3D) over central Colorado.

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See public and private land information on any device by upgrading to All-Access. The benefits also include webcam widgets for your iPhone home screen, forecasts anywhere on Earth, local "Daily Snow" analysis, custom snow alerts, and much more.