View historical hourly weather for the past 5 days and historical daily weather for the past 10 days in OpenSnow.
Use this estimated weather data to help plan spring ski tours around the freeze/thaw cycle, view recent precipitation to know if trails might be wet or snow-covered, and much more.
1) For the OpenSnow app, go to any location screen and scroll down to the “Right Now” section. For the OpenSnow website, make sure you have the "Snow Summary" tab selected, then go to any location screen and scroll down to either the "5-Day Hourly Forecast" or the "Detailed 10-Day Forecast" section.
2) For the OpenSnow app, tap “Historical Weather for 10 Days” and select "Hourly 5 Days" or "Daily 10 Days". For the OpenSnow website, click "History".
View our historical weather data on any device by upgrading to All-Access. The subscription includes 5-day hourly forecasts, 10-day snow forecasts, estimated conditions, and much more.
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