Explore trails, terrain features, satellite imagery, and high-resolution weather data (current radar, snow depth, wildfire smoke, air quality, and more) with our 3D maps.
Getting Started
- Tap the "3D" button on the "Maps" tab.
- Increase or decrease the tilt by using two fingers and moving up or down.
- Rotate the map in any direction by using two fingers.
- Tap the direction icon to reset the map to point north.
- Click the "3D" button on the "Maps" tab.
- Increase or decrease the tilt by holding the "Control" key and your mouse/trackpad button while moving your cursor up or down.
- Rotate the map in any direction by holding the "Control" key and your mouse/trackpad button while moving your cursor from side to side.
- Click the direction icon to reset the map to point north.

Here's an example of estimated snow depth with our satellite base map in 3D over the Teton Range in Wyoming on June 24, 2024.
Explore 3D maps on any device by upgrading to All-Access. The benefits also include webcam widgets for your iPhone home screen, forecasts anywhere on Earth, local "Daily Snow" analysis, custom snow alerts, and much more.
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