Snow Summary > 5-Day Hourly Weather
Precip Chance: The statistical probability of 0.01" inch (0.254 mm) or more of precipitation at the given area in the forecasted hour.
- Snow is blue
- Rain is green
- Mixed precip (snow/rain) is purple
Precipitation: The
amount of forecasted hourly liquid
precipitation. This
would be the amount of liquid
precipitation you would
measure if you melted all of
- Snow is blue
- Rain is green
- Mixed precip (snow/rain) is purple
Snowfall: The amount of
forecasted hourly snowfall.
Snow Level: The forecasted hourly elevation above which snow will fall and below
which rain will fall. The snow level will fall
to lower elevations during periods of heavy
snowfall and rise to higher elevations during
periods of lighter snowfall.
Snow Ratio: The forecasted hourly snow-to-liquid ratio. The higher the snow-to-liquid ratio, the lighter the snow quality, and vice-versa. 10:1 will be fun but feel a little heavy, 15:1 will offer some faceshots and feel pretty light, while a ratio of 20:1 will be incredibly light, almost like skiing through nothing but air.
Weather: The icon that
best represents the forecasted hourly
weather. Scroll down to view every weather
icon that would be present on OpenSnow.
Temperature: The
forecasted hourly temperature.
Feels Like: The forecasted hourly "feels like" temperature, which takes into account the wind chill and heat index to provide you with a better representation of the temperature.
Relative Humidity: The forecasted hourly relative humidity, which is the measure of the actual amount of moisture in the air compared to the total amount of moisture that can exist in the air at that temperature.
Wind Speed: The
forecasted hourly wind speed. Yellow indicates high wind speeds and possible lift
Wind Gust: The
forecasted hourly wind gust. Yellow indicates high wind gusts and possible lift
Cloud Cover: The
forecasted hourly cloud coverage, meaning the percentage of the sky expected to be obscured by clouds.
Weather & Condition
Day | Night |
Blizzard | Blizzard |
Snow | Snow |
Snow Showers | Snow Showers |
Rain | Rain |
Rain Showers | Rain Showers |
Rain/Snow | Rain/Snow |
Rain/Snow | Light
Rain/Snow |
Windy | Windy |
Cold | Cold |
Hot | Hot |
Cloudy | Cloudy |
Mostly Sunny | Mostly Clear |
Mostly Cloudy | Mostly Cloudy |
Sunny | Clear |
Thunderstorms | Thunderstorms |
T-Storms | Scattered
T-Storms |
Thundersnow | Thundersnow |