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The "My Location" screen provides the current conditions, contextualized mini weather maps, and the 10-day forecast for your location, anywhere on Earth.

View 10-day hourly forecasts for:

  • Temp
  • Feels Like
  • Precip
  • Wind
  • Cloud
  • Humidity
  • Lightning
Swipe left and right between each of these seven tabs to select which one you want to view.


The forecasted hourly air temperature.

Feels Like

The forecasted hourly "feels like" temperature, which takes into account the wind chill and heat index to provide you with a better representation of the temperature.


The forecasted hourly probability of precipitation, ranging from 0% to 100%.

Green-colored bars denote rain as the expected precipitation type, purple-colored bars denote mixed precipitation (rain/snow mix, sleet, or freezing rain), and blue-colored bars denote snow.

Below the hourly bar, there are also boxes that show our forecasted precipitation totals during this 24-hour window. Forecast rainfall for the 24-hour period is denoted in the green box labeled "Rain" on the left side.

Forecast snowfall for the 24-hour period is denoted in the blue box labeled "Snow" on the right side. Forecast liquid-equivalent precipitation associated with non-accumulating snowfall, a rain/snow mix that does not result in snow accumulations, or sleet/freezing rain is denoted in the purple box in the middle.


The forecasted hourly wind direction (direction it's blowing from), the hourly sustained wind speed (blue bar), and the hourly wind gust (red bar).


The forecasted hourly cloud cover percentage, meaning the percentage of the sky expected to be obscured by clouds.


The forecasted hourly lightning potential. 

Short gray bars indicate no lightning potential for a given hour. Yellow bars indicate a "low" chance of lightning for a given hour, orange bars indicate "some" chance, and red bars indicate a "high" chance.

The height of the bars also depict the relative difference in lightning potential by hour, with higher bars indicating greater lightning potential for a given hour compared to lower bars.